3: Positioning and Applying the GLWS.

This lesson is about how you position and integrate the GLWS in your toolkit relevant to your client base and organisation. Here you’ll find lots more ideas and helpful concepts as well as a deeper dive into the relationships between gender, age and wellbeing...

3: Positioning and Applying the GLWS

This lesson is about how you position and integrate the GLWS in your toolkit relevant to your client base and organisation. Almost certainly, you’ll find lots more ideas and helpful concepts here since you did your original accreditation. There’s lots to...

Lesson 3: Positioning and Applying the GLWS

Welcome to the final lesson of the Level 1 GLWS Accreditation!   So far, you’ve learned about wellbeing and the GLWS, how to order a GLWS report, then interpret it, prepare and conduct a GLWS debrief. Well done! This final lesson is all about how you...