2.2 Preparing for the GLWS Debrief

If it’s been a while since you’ve done a debrief, this is the section of the course where you can re mind yourself about all the goodies we have to help you and your clients. The video takes you through them in an orderly manner, but if you want to simply...

2.1 Introducing the GLWS Personal Report

Time: 23:27 mins (video) This video tutors you through how to explain and interpret the GLWS Personal Report. It provides a very thorough recap. Can you remember the cut-offs?! We’d recommend you watch this video in its entirety if you’re feeling at all...

1.2 GLWS Development, Framework and Principles of Use

Time: Approximately 1 hour 40 mins (if you don’t cheat and skip the video!)  In this topic, you will hear us recap on how the GLWS came to be, the development of the Framework, some key statistics and an update on the psychometric properties of the GLWS, before...

1.1 GLWS and Wellbeing

Time: Approximately 1 hour (video and quiz)  In this video, Audrey takes you through a recap of all the fundamentals, with some fresh angles and updates since you first became accredited. When you feel you’ve brushed up enough, have a go at the quiz to test your...

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Almost there! Only one more boring bit to get out of the way before we can get you properly underway. The last thing we need to flag is where you stand with being able to access, copy and see the materials we are going to share with you throughout your course....